Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The wonders of research...

Freelance article-writing requires a lot of research on a lot of random topics. As a consequence, I end up learning a lot of things on topics I was previously only vaguely aware existed. Types of area rugs. Investment banking. Air conditioners. Some of it is really interesting. Some of it's really, really not. But as a writer, I live in the hope that this knowledge will someday prove useful in a future story. I currently have in the back of my mind an idea for a murder mystery wherein the pertinent clue involves a knowledge of air conditioning repair.

Anyway, here's a fun trivium my research has shown me:

We all know that duct tape is extremely useful and handy to have around. The virtues of duct tape have been extolled throughout society. Whole books have been written on what you can do with duct tape. I once had a daily calendar of duct tape anecdotes, how-to suggestions, etc. Some people say it can do anything.

They're almost right. There seems to be only one thing that duct tape cannot do. Somewhat ironically... it can't repair ducts. It loses its adhesiveness and lets air leak out underneath it.

But just about anything else...

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